2019 인간도시 수원포럼 (2019 Suwon Forum on Human City)


일시 : 2019. 10. 1(화)~2(수) (2일간)
장소 : 수원컨벤션센터 컨벤션홀(3층)
주제(안) : 인간다운 삶을 위한 주거
참여 규모: 200여명 (수원시민, 국내외 지방정부 관계자 등)
주최: 수원시
주관: 수원시정연구원, 수원시지속가능도시재단, 이클레이 한국사무소
협력: 수원시지속가능발전협의회, 씨티넷


사람중심의 가치를 실현하기 위한 지속가능한 도시를 만들기를 위해 수원시 지속가능발전목표수립과 이행 등 국제사회에 발맞춰 다양한 지속가능발전 정책을 추진하고 있습니다. 인간도시 수원 포럼의 정례적 개최(4회) 등 도시 간 정책교류를 통해 지역과 글로벌을 연계한 정책 추진을 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 인간도시 수원포럼에서는 수원시의 복지시민권 정책기조 중 하나이자, 인간도시 실현을 위한 과제 중 하나인 ‘주거’ 정책에 주목하여 논의를 전개하고, 향후 수원시 지속가능발전 정책 추진의 기반을 마련하고자 합니다.



2019 Suwon Forum on Human City


Date: 01-02 October 2019
Venue: Convention Hall, Suwon Convention Center 
Theme: Housing for Human City 
Host: Suwon City
Co-organizers: Suwon Research Institute, Suwon Sustainable City Foundation, ICLEI Korea Office
Partners: Suwon Council for Sustainable Development, CityNet 


With the aim of creating a sustainable city by realizing a people-centric vision, Suwon has carried out various sustainable development policies including establishing and implementing Suwon Sustainable Development Goals in tune with the international community. The city of Suwon has consistently tried to push forward policies encompassing regions and globe through city-to-city policy exchanges including the annual hosting of “Suwon Forum on Human City”. 


This year, we will concentrate on housing policies which is one of the key principles to promote welfare services for Suwon citizens and to realize a human city. The forum will provide an opportunity to lay the foundation for Suwon to push ahead with sustainable development policies.


We will discuss housing as a fundamental factor for achieving a sustainable life and assess housing reality by comparing cases from home and abroad in order to examine the current status of Suwon housing policies. Also, this forum will contribute to exploring the future directions for Suwon to push ahead with its policy measures. 2019 Suwon Forum on Human City serves as a platform to spread political will aiming at improving a sustainable development in Suwon where the vision of a people-centered city is put first and to cement the foundation for citizens' active participation.


문의: 강정묵 정책정보팀장