The Governance of Urban Regeneration

From Korean War Relics to Peace & Culture Center

Anti-tank Barricades in Dobong-gu District, Seoul, South Korea (2017~2017)


After the 1950-1953 Korean War, RoK Army installed anti-tank barricades to block the invasion of the North. In 1970s even residential apartments were built upon them to hide the structure. However, these concrete hulks have left abandoned since the demolition of the apartment in 2004. As it became a hideous thing for the city, the citizens and civil societies in Dobong-gu formed a bureau and cooperated to renew it. Thanks to their collective efforts, the horrid war relics could be finally transformed into a public space for culture and art in October 2017. With Seoul Irish Garden(Changpo-won), a sports park, and a shared space for public and local artists, it is now a symbol of peace and culture altogether.



문의: 강정묵 정책정보팀장